**IMPORTANT TOURNAMENT SCHEDULING INFO** Hickey Cup There are limited spaces; if you have not entered and are interested, please contact Ivan Ronaldson ASAP New Tournament! Westwood 70 + Invitational Singles tournament is open to players with handicaps 70 and above. January 26-28, 2024 – Westwood CC Women’s Events – NEW DATES – IMPORTANT!!! The U.S. Ladies Open will now be played on May 17-19, 2024 in Tuxedo The Women’s Invitational (U.S. Women’s Amateur) will be held at Westwood CC on May 3-5, 2023. The tournament is open to all U.S.-based amateurs. Details on both women’s tournaments will be available soon.

2023 USCTA Annual Dinner, Awards & Auction

2023 USCTA Annual Dinner, Awards & Auction

by James Zug In mid-December 2023, the Racquet & Tennis Club hosted the twenty-sixth annual United States Court Tennis Association dinner and auction during the traditional Whitney Cup weekend. Nearly two hundred people came to the dinner. It was ably chaired again by Ted Goneos, with assistance from Ben Lawrence; they both wrangled auction lots, helped set up the east and south lounges, donated wine and reached out to USCTA members. For those not watching a very tight, long-delayed final match on the West Court (Anderson Good & Noah Motz topped Chris Holter & Tom McGinnis 6-4 in the third… Read the Full Story >

Fortnight Before Christmas

Fortnight Before Christmas

Fortnight Before Christmas By Peter Pell and Jim Zug   ‘Twas the fortnight before Christmas, when all through the Clubhouse Not a bleacher was roaring, although ready to pounce. The mugs were placed on the mantle with care, In hopes that victory soon would be theirs. The patrons were nestled all snug in the dedans; with memories of Greentree and practicing lockjaw Drama in the culture, finest amateurs we tap; DC kit bags were opened for intense winter’s scrap. When out on Park Avenue there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the long-green to see what was the matter.… Read the Full Story >

2023 Jimmy Dunn

2023 Jimmy Dunn

by Rob Whitehouse The 42nd annual Jimmy Dunn saw its biggest turnout in history, with 204 entrants competing in court Tennis, singles and doubles squash and racquets! Two hundred seventy-four matches were played over four days at the Racquet Club. We had players attend from all over the country and a few from across the pond. The tennis had fifty-six teams entered across seven different divisions. The atmosphere was incredible, with matches scheduled all day, and the competition was very even in all divisions. Most players entered multiple events, making for some exhausted players on Sunday! The Jock Soutar saw… Read the Full Story >

2023 Silver Racquet Weekend

2023 Silver Racquet Weekend

By the R&TC Professional Staff Silver Racquet Invitational  The Invitational Tennis Singles produces a draw nearly commensurate with the U.S. Amateur, and this year did not disappoint. Players from five clubs fought it out in the Main Draw. Seeds progressed accordingly despite an exceptional performance from Matt Mackin against his clubmate, Ben Stein. Both Bristowe and Stein were nearly flawless in their Semi-Final performances, with Freddie overcoming James Medlow and Stein likewise overcoming Henry Smith. This is perhaps the youngest Semi-Final in memory and a terrific sign of the times to come.  In the Final, Ben played one of the… Read the Full Story >

2023 Anne Boleyn

2023 Anne Boleyn

by Tony Hollins On a chilly November weekend in Newport, RI, the International Tennis Hall of Fame hosted the Anne Boleyn Ladies Singles. It wasn’t just cold outside, but the ladies had ice in their veins as they steadied themselves for some handicapped singles matches. The round-robin handicapped format of this event meant that there was no clear favorite. It also offers a fantastic opportunity to meet new players and get multiple matches under the belt early in the 2023/24 season. It was great to see that half of the draw was populated by traveling players from Aiken, Philadelphia, and… Read the Full Story >

Aiken Hosts 2023 Calhoun Witham

Aiken Hosts 2023 Calhoun Witham

by Nick Howell The Aiken Tennis Club hosted the Calhoun Witham Cup from November 2-5. The Calhoun Witham Cup is a handicap doubles event for handicaps 35 and higher – split into two divisions. We had a great turnout this year, as 16 pairs entered the tournament. The top 8 handicaps competed in the A division, and the remaining eight competed in the B division. We had eight players from out of town play, and ten ladies compete, which was fantastic! The Calhoun Witham Cup got underway on Thursday afternoon, with Cissie Sullivan and Francois Verglas winning with a decisive… Read the Full Story >

New Real Tennis Court Debuts at Sand Valley

New Real Tennis Court Debuts at Sand Valley

American Court Tennis has its newest venue – this one at a resort more well-known for another royal ancient game.  Brothers Michael and Chris Keiser have completed the country’s 11th court, the centerpiece of a sparkling new Tennis Center that features dining, a pro shop, locker rooms and 15 outdoor grass courts. “We are so excited to introduce our guests – and fans of golf and racquets in general – to the game and this new court,” Michael Keiser said.  It’s such a wonderful pairing with the traditions and history of golf.  My brother and I grew up playing all… Read the Full Story >

The Inaugural Alastair B. Martin Cup

The Inaugural Alastair B. Martin Cup

A new event – The Martin Cup – was added to the US court tennis fixtures list on October 27-29, 2023. Honoring long-time champion, Alastair B. Martin, the event is an intercity team court tennis doubles tournament for seniors.  It is modeled on the extremely successful and popular Whitney Cup that has been played annually for nearly a century. The “first edition” took place at Westwood Country Club. Like the Whitney Cup, it is a doubles competition but with three pairs aged in their 50s, 60s and 70s, thus matching the World Masters team categories. Washington fielded two teams that… Read the Full Story >

Vegas Baby, Hadden Tomes 2023

Vegas Baby, Hadden Tomes 2023

by Dawson Lane Vegas came to The Tuxedo Club for Hadden Tomes 2023! A record 59 players participated in the handicapped doubles court tennis festivities throughout the weekend!  The Racquets Committee at the Tuxedo Club should be applauded for supporting all the new players in Tuxedo, along with the solid junior program at Tuxedo represented by Hazel Christensen, Calliope Yannuzzi & Paul Nieuwerburgh.  In addition to the strong contingent of Tuxedo players, Hadden Tomes 2023 had ten players from Lord’s, along with players from Boston, Philadelphia, Newport, Aiken, New York & Washington D.C. As usual, the pictures provide the best… Read the Full Story >