Jan 9, 2020 | US Events, USCTA News
The following changes have been made to the 2020 Schedule. These changes impact the Hickey Cup, U.S. Mixed Doubles and the U.S. Ladies Open MARCH 20-22, 2020 @ Georgian Court Hickey Cup – National level Singles Championship for handicaps 60+ APRIL 17-19, 2020 @ Philadelphia U.S. Mixed Doubles JUNE 12-14, 2020 @ Tuxedo U.S. Ladies Open Singles & Doubles The Fixture Card has been updated to reflect these changes.
Dec 31, 2019 | USCTA News
by James Zug In mid-December 2019, the Racquet & Tennis Club hosted the twenty-second annual United States Court Tennis Association dinner and auction during the traditional Whitney Cup weekend. One hundred and ninety-four people came to the dinner. The evening, chaired most ably by Ted Goneos, began with a splendid cocktail hour in the main lounge of the club’s second floor. It was a reunion of sorts, with old friends gathering from every club in the U.S. and a half dozen overseas. As usual, there were a wonderful panoply of silent auction items. All the way from Melbourne, Richard Travers… Read the Full Story >
Dec 15, 2019 | Overseas Events, Tournament Results, Uncategorized, US Events, USCTA News
by Peter Pell 2019 Whitney Cup by the Numbers… 5 The number of consecutive Whitney Cups won by New York prior to this year. The Greentree team ended the streak on the back of remarkable wins in the finals by Addison West & Ben Stein (over Spike Willcocks & Lex Miron), Dylan Patterson & Hugh McDonald (over Bruce Manson & Jonathan Larken), and Simon Aldrich & Rob McLane (over Greg Van Schaack & Lincoln Frank). 0.08 The differential in the ratio of games won to games lost, which sent Greentree to the finals over New England and Washington. The three… Read the Full Story >
Dec 1, 2019 | Uncategorized, USCTA News
Two great articles about Tommy Greevy by James Zug Click here to read Jim Zug’s 2012 story “Tommy Turns 70” including quotes and stories from fellow players and professionals. Click here to read James Zug’s interview with Tommy Greevy in 2011.
Nov 30, 2019 | USCTA News
by George Bell On a Sunday morning in January, I turned off a major roadway in Manhasset, NY and entered Greentree, an estate marked by a modest, painted sign that you could easily miss. Malls and car dealerships had displaced the Gold Coast mansions long ago, but not this one. Hemmed in by the neon of another century, Greentree had defied the odds, frozen the clocks. The quiet was immediate. The property’s entrance road gave passage to a forgotten world, where great stretches of cold, blue light lay across an inch of new snow. The security guard stepped out of… Read the Full Story >
Nov 26, 2019 | US Events, USCTA News
The 22nd USCTA Annual Dinner, Awards and Auction will take place Friday, December 13th, 2019 at the Racquet and Tennis Club, 370 Park Avenue. Please join us to welcome William T. Vogt to the Hall of Fame Class of 2019 and award the 2019 Plimpton Prize to Richard Travers who is traveling from Australia for the evening. The cocktails and silent auction will start promptly at 6:30 pm, followed by dinner, awards and live auction at 7:30 pm. Brook Hazelton will once again handle the live auction and we look forward to some fierce bidding. The link for the auction catalog… Read the Full Story >
Oct 29, 2019 | USCTA News
by Trevor Jones On October 15, after two and a half seasons of play, the Salve Regina University Court Tennis Club was finally recognized as an official student organization by the university. In 2018, I had transferred to SRU as a sophomore and was playing varsity tennis for them. I decided to give court tennis a shot, thinking it would be a one-time thing, as it would help me meet my bucket list goal of playing every racquet sport in the world at least once. Instantly, however, I was captivated and wanted to play more. Mike Gooding, head pro at… Read the Full Story >
Aug 12, 2019 | USCTA News
May 31, 2019 | International Events, USCTA News
A Note from the World Masters: The Heart of the Matter by George Bell This is the story of a single frightening shot in an unimportant match. The ball struck and felled our opponent such that he lay on the floor flopping — but it is also the story of a reverie triggered by that blow, which brought back to me, slowly, as if summoned from a forgotten place inside, the pleasures that court tennis has offered me. Why such things should occur amid adversity is unknowable. In the days after the match, as our small caravan of competitors in… Read the Full Story >
May 31, 2019 | USCTA News
President’s Report by James Zug Last month the USCTA gathered for its annual general meeting. The venue was Tuxedo Park, which was hosting the World Masters. The meeting was very robust, with representatives of the other three national governing bodies and many members of the USCTA. My president’s report: The state of the U.S. Court Tennis Association is strong. We have 1,089 members, the most we have ever had. This is remarkable. If you had said a quarter century ago that we’d have almost eleven hundred members in 2019, no one would have believed it. Many clubs’ membership rolls have… Read the Full Story >