Sep 17, 2023 | International Events
by James Zug Day One Camden Riviere won the first four sets 6-4, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 It was a remarkable scene at Westwood Country Club, just outside Washington City, in the suburb of Vienna. There are sixteen states in the U.S. that have a town named Vienna, but it was the Virginia one that now could boast the record for hosting the Challenge Round of the World Championship. The shortest time between a court’s original opening and hosting a Challenge: Philadelphia was just six and a half years old when it hosted in 1914 and the marble court in Dublin… Read the Full Story >
Aug 1, 2023 | International Events, Juniors
by Camden Riviere It was a busy July at the Westwood Country Club, hosting the Under 26 Championships and a week of international junior competitions between the US, Australia, and the UK. The US team of Freddie Bristowe, Noah Motz, Erik Barker, Henry Smith, & Chase Motz came out victorious in both battles, bringing the US its first-ever joint Val Alen & Clothier Cup victories. Also played was the Limb Cup, which pitted the UK against Australia, with the UK coming out on top. The tennis played on the week was of the highest quality I have ever seen at… Read the Full Story >
Jul 1, 2023 | International Events, USCTA News
by Victoria Scott From the clubs worldwide, tennis professionals, participating members, and court tennis enthusiasts, this past International Tennis Day looked to be the best year yet!! The courts and players were buzzing; the tournaments were intense—some were entertaining, celebratory, and comical, and others were dubbing the New England champion. This day is a wonderful way to celebrate our sport, commemorate our extraordinary community, grow the game, educate, and promote it to all racquet sport lovers who have fallen in love with the game or those who could be converted. The annual celebration of our game of real tennis (as… Read the Full Story >
Jun 9, 2023 | International Events
Jun 1, 2023 | International Events, International News, US Events, USCTA News
by Victoria Scott Mark your calendars! June 20 is our tenth annual International Tennis Day, and we have organized an international committee to promote the day, with leaders in all four playing nations. My name is Victoria Scott (from the Racquet Club of Philadelphia), and I am taking the lead for the U.S. effort this year. Both the USCTA and the Preservation Foundation have been great influences in making sure that every club in the U.S. is participating and that this year is our most memorable year yet. Here’s what we can look forward to this year and what you… Read the Full Story >
Dec 31, 2022 | International Events, International News, Overseas Events
2023 Ladies World Championship Singles & Doubles April 10-16 The Oratory School Click Here for Entry Form
Dec 28, 2022 | International Events, US Events, USCTA News
From the IRTPA: On behalf of the International World Championship Committee (IWCC) the IRTPA Executive are delighted to announce their acceptance of the bid from the Westwood Country Club in Washington, DC. The dates of the challenge matches are Sunday 17th, Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st September 2023. Around the Challenge match days there will be social events and sporting activities for the spectators including a court tennis tournament and lawn tennis tournament. Congratulations to the Westwood team and we look forward to a great World Championship Challenge on their new court.
Dec 28, 2022 | International Events, US Events
The first round of the Eliminators will be held in Philadelphia and Aiken in March to determine the challenger for the World Championship. The best of nine set competition will be played over two days – on the first day, four sets will be played, and five sets or until one player has won five sets on the second day. John Lumley (1) will play Chris Chapman in Philadelphia (4) on March 22 and 24. Aiken will host Ben Taylor-Matthews (2) and Nick Howell (3) on March 29 and 31. The winner of each match will play a final eliminator… Read the Full Story >
Nov 1, 2022 | International Events, USCTA News
by Jon Crowell Arriving in London at 6:40 am on Saturday morning the excitement of match play was still two days away. Despite not having slept at all on the plane, I arrived surprisingly awake with the possibilities of this fabulous tournament at the top of my mind. It was not intentional but, very conveniently, 3 of the 4 US Bathurst Cup team members landed within minutes of each other at Heathrow airport and met up for the second time as teammates in the arrival hall beyond customs. Having seen each other in Philadelphia for a two-day training camp the… Read the Full Story >
Oct 9, 2022 | International Events, US Events
The Bathurst Cup matches begin on Monday. Representing the USA are: Jon Crowell, Freddie Bristowe, Peter Dickinson & Pat Winthrop for the men and Freddie Adam & Xanthe Ranger for the women. Lots of great info in the attached program. Watch The Bathurst Cup Livestream here! #RealTennis Bathurst Program