by Tony Hollins
The Pell Cup is the National Tennis Club’s flagship event, guaranteeing high-quality tennis and plenty of social activities. This year was an exception, with sixty-six players registered for the doubles event. The teams are divided into five divisions, including the Pro Division and A to D divisions.
Thank you to all of the tournament participants from near and far. We had all of the US clubs represented with the exception of the new Sand Valley court. The matches were played in good spirit, with lots of nail-biting contests and even more on-court smiles. The social activities were well attended.
Thank you to Kathy Minevitz and Sewall Hodges for hosting the welcoming event on Thursday evening, which included raw bar, hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. Thank you to Andrew Fritz who hosted the Friday evening cocktails in the club room, which drew a large crowd and made the atmosphere on court spectacular. The Reef did a fantastic job with the tournament dinner, and the weather cooperated to offer a lovely Newport evening.
Congratulations to this year’s champions:
Pro – Camden Riviere & Tony Hollins def. John Lumley & Lewis Williams
A – Andrew Peabody & Ben Hudson def. Noah Motz & John Motz
B – Madison Daly & James Daly def. Tom Pickin & Brad Ursprung
C – Nick Saint & Paul Trombly def. Chris Yalanis & Chris Werner
D – Ellen Hermann & Noelle Shiland def. Kathy Minevitz & Beth Winthrop
Events like this would not be possible without the support of many. Thank you to all of the volunteers, the ITHF staff, and the generous unwavering support of the membership who contribute to the NTC Annual Sponsorship Program. This initiative allows us to make physical updates to the court as well as attract the absolute top talent to events such as the Pell Cup.
For the full results and a link to the streaming, Click Here
Camden Riviere, Tony Hollins, Lewis Williams & John Lumley
Ben Hudson, Andrew Peabody, Noah Motz & John Motz
Tom Pickin, Brad Ursprung, James Daly & Madison Daly
Paul Trombly, Nick Saint, Chris Werner & Chris Yalanis
Noelle Shilled, Ellen Hermann, Kathy Minevitz & Beth Winthrop