by Dawson Lane
The Tuxedo Club once again put on quite a show for the 2024 Hadden Tomes, which had a ‘PIRATE’ theme for this year’s event. A huge THANK YOU to Randy St. John and his staff for providing a first-rate experience for all the attendees…. which has become the norm under this staff as they outdo themselves every year! All the participants are already wondering what the theme for 2025 will be, and what wonderful experiences the Tuxedo Club F&B staff will provide for the participants.
Fifty-Six players representing seven different clubs from around the world participated in the racquets portion of the 2024 Hadden Tomes! The professional staff was also able to incorporate Tuxedo’s beautiful new Padel courts into the festivities over the weekend.
After 42 matches over two and a half days the finals for the three flights were set for Sunday afternoon!
Flight Three
In a super close match; Laure Veldkamp & Jeff Greenbaum defeated Lindsay Maxwell & Jules Zachar 8-6. The match saw many super long rallies, with Laura and Jeff ultimately being a bit steadier when it mattered.
Flight Two
Another tight match saw Claire Voegele & Ernie Sink defeat Amy Gold & Hazel Christensen 8-6. An enthusiastic crowd cheered on the players, and they responded with some very entertaining tennis!
Flight One
A much-anticipated match was on tap in the Flight One final with Leonard Mazzone & Dan Laukitis taking on Todd ‘playground champ’ Yannuzzi & Rich Mueller. The match unfortunately did not live up to the hype as Rich & Todd were clinical in their dismissal of Leonard and Dan in an 8-1 victory.
On the Padel side of the weekend; 18 matches were played on Tuxedo’s new courts with a fun time had by all participants!
Thank you to all the players and supporters in what was another successful Hadden Tomes!