by Dawson Lane

Play in the 2023 Burke Cup started Friday afternoon the 27th of January with Theo Yannuzzi from The Tuxedo Club taking on Christopher Gould of the New York Racquet & Tennis Club.  Twenty matches later Theo Yannuzzi was playing Gordon McMorris in the Final of the 2023 Burke Cup.  Along the way to the Final, Gordon had already defeated Calliope and Todd Yannuzzi….but as the title states…“NOBODY BEATS THE ENTIRE YANNUZZI FAMILY!”

Congratulations to both Theo and Gordon as they put on a show for the enthusiastic Tuxedo gallery with a hard fought three set match!  Theo eked out the victory 6-3 4-6 6-4.

Players from (5) clubs were represented at the 2023 Burke Cup, and both the ‘younger’ players and more ‘seasoned’ players put on quite a show.  Tuxedo juniors Johnny Dawson, Calliope & Theo Yannuzzi all made it clear that they will all be forces in the game going forward and Dick Tanfield making the semi-finals before succumbing to the young legs of Yannuzzi was a joy for the spectators to watch!  Gordon McMorris having recently moved back to the NY area put the game on notice that he is back…taking down the two Yannuzzi’s and the tournament favorite before Theo Yannuzzi got one back for the family in the final.

Thank you to The Tuxedo Club Racquets Committee for organizing such a great event!

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Theo Yannuzzi & Gordon McMorris