by Mit Carothers, Tennis Chair
Aiken Tennis Club

The Witham returned to the Aiken Tennis Club with ten teams in 3 brackets playing 18 competitive matches. Thirteen of the matches went three sets; handicap tennis was back!

From the defending champions (Mount & Silvay) to first-time participants (Reilly & Granade) and including out-of-towners Zach Pallis and Peter Bender, the semifinalists were only set after the 15th match in typical tiebreaker drama.

In the first semifinal, Kate Villiers and her partner/husband Dan defeated Atlanta teammates Sawyer Duncan and Eric Granade in 3 sets. Next, Matt Dupee, playing below his handicap and ringer of a partner Kadi Meldrum (in her first tournament), got past Dana Kopald and Zach Pallis.

The final, which went three sets and saw multiple service and strategy combinations, was claimed by Dan and Kate Villiers, who made the tough adjustment of receiving points in the semifinal and giving points in the final.

Thanks to the Witham family again (for the 22nd time!), teammates Robert and Cheryl Glance for the wonderful food and libations, contributions from the ever-present Rakesh Jasani and Morgan Purvis, live streaming by the irreplaceable Lou Papouchado and the quite capable marking of Camden Riviere.

Witham 2022 champions Dan and Kate Villiers, the Witham family, finalists Kadi Meldrum and Matt Dupee.

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