The Tuxedo Club hosted the 118th Gold Racquets over Presidents Day weekend, as well as the US Pro Singles Rackets Championship. Event Chairs Kim Kilgore, Laura Tillsley and Charlie Michele pulled out all the stops with a full itinerary both on and off the court.  Friday night saw the fans flock to the Tennis House for cocktail hour, court tennis and racquets matches and a buffet dinner.  The well-stocked bar and riveting games on display meant even those most experienced Gold Racquets attendees forgot that it is not wise to peak too early in the weekend…

Play kicked off bright and early On Saturday at 7:00 am making it even more important this year to stay on the good side of the match schedulers. Spectators were treated to some brilliant tennis throughout the day, as well as some gallery favorite line-ups. Over 175+ guests donned their tuxedos and gowns and enjoyed the beautifully decorated Main Club room at the Saturday Night dinner dance. The band played all the crowd favorites throughout the night and the dance floor proved that impressive hand-eye coordination on the court does not always translate into smooth moves off the court.

Cuspidor and racquets matches continued Sunday and even the weariest of competitors kept fighting to remain in the business end of the tournaments. The US Pro Singles Rackets kicked off and the pros reminded us, mere mortals, just how skilled they really are.  Showing that some things will not be affected by Brexit and Megxit, players and guests enjoyed the traditional Sunday night Pub Night in honor of those among us with a Commonwealth spirit (and culinary taste).

Gold Racquet Results:

  • Gold Racquet Singles
    • Champion – Peter Cipriano
    • Finalist – Dylan Patterson
  • Gold Racquet Cuspidor Doubles
    • Flight I
      • Champions – Dan Laukitis & Steve Klepper
      • Finalists – Chris Heffernan & Nick Jones
    • Flight II
      • Champions – Todd Yannuzzi & Jeremy Kidde
      • Finalists – Alexandre Gallo & John Romero
    • Flight III
      • Champions – Dave Christensen & Marie Victoire-Wickes
      • Finalists – Jeremy Thompson & David McFadden

congratulations to Peter Cipriano on the THREE-PEAT; winning the Gold Racquet court tennis singles and rackets singles for the third year in a row!

Many thanks to Tim Chisholm and all the pros for yet another hugely successful weekend.  A shout out also to Randy, Donna and their team for the seamless execution of social events and meals throughout the tournament. We look forward to hosting next year’s 119th event!

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