News & Results

U.S Nationals January 12-14, 2007

Virgona Victorious in Awesome display of Athleticism and Shot Making. Foreign born players continue to dominate in the U.S.

The New York Racquet and Tennis Club hosted the U.S. Nationals over the weekend of January 12th, 2007. In total, fourteen players entered the tournament, six of the fourteen were Americans and four of the fourteen were Amateurs. Handicaps ranged from Gooding’s +9.6 to Hollins’s -16.5.

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New York, NY. January 12 – 14, 2007. The New York Racquet and Tennis Club hosted the U.S. Nationals over the weekend of January 12th, 2007. In total, fourteen players entered the tournament. six of the fourteen were Americans and four of the fourteen were Amateurs. Handicaps ranged from Gooding’s +9.6 to Hollins’s -16.5.

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US Junior Nationals and Parent/Child — 2006

While the timing of the Junior Nationals and the National Parent/Child on December 15-17 was difficult due to final exams and holiday obligations, the juniors and the parents who did make the excursion to Philadelphia enjoyed themselves tremendously and were treated to first class hospitality in the Philadelphia Racquet Club style.

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