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Junior Handicap

Racquet Club of Philadelphia 215 S 16th Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Handicap event for players under the age of 19

Tuxedo Junior Academy

The Tuxedo Club 1 W Lake Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY, United States

Sponsored by the USCTPF/USCTA Player Development Fund

US Junior Doubles – U19,17,15,13 – Lieb Cup

The Tuxedo Club 1 W Lake Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY, United States

The U.S. Junior Doubles - Lieb Cup - has been moved to Tuxedo. The doubles will be held in conjunction with eth U.S. Junior Singles. The dates are July 25-28. For more information, contact Tim Chisholm ...tchisholm@thetuxedoclub.org