USCTA Code of Conduct

[Approved by the USCTA Board of Directors, May 2019]

One of the unique qualities of court tennis is the high standard of sportsmanship among players and spectatorsSome of this can be attributed to the centuries-old traditions of the game. Part of this can be accounted for by the atmosphere of the clubs in which the game is usually played. The game’s professionals instruct new players on their form, but also on the quality of expected behavior. And, because a relatively small population play the game, a critical mass of well-mannered good sports provide a collective example for new players to model themselves after.

One of the most cherished qualities of court tennis is that it remains a bastion of good sportsmanship, a relatively ideal culture in which sportsmanship can be developed and enjoyed. The emphasis is on playing for fun and exercise, developing skills, socializing, being a team player, and competing in a fair and generous fashion.

In our game the difference between winning and losing fairly is often in the hands and control of each player, regardless of the officials involved. We champion the ideal of self-policing, marking chases and calling points fairly and accurately, taking responsibility for one’s own behavior with emphasis on sportsmanship, respect, decorum, and upholding the integrity of the sport. Sports builds and reveals character. Court tennis provides opportunities to be and become our best selves, not just mastering skills but working on the personal aspects of performing well under pressure, being a good sport and a good teammate, playing with honor and integrity, respecting the spirit and traditions of the game, and enjoying the experience. Preserving the integrity of court tennis depends on everyone involved in the game to be courteous, respectful and responsible for their own behavior. The Codes of Conduct exist to elevate and maintain the high standard of sportsmanship in court tennis competition. They have been developed to maintain enjoyment, safety, and the traditions, spirit, and integrity of the game, and are aligned with USCTA values of fairness, sportsmanship and respect.

Player Code of Conduct

Players shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the etiquette, spirit, sportsmanship, and exemplary standards of behavior expected of the sport. In particular, competitors are expected to be responsible for their words and actions while participating in USCTA competitions and conform their behavior to the following code of conduct:

—abide by spirit of the game, by all USCTA policies and guidelines and the current

—refrain from engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct with any opponent or other participant, official or spectator.

—exercise self-control and refrain from engaging in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any opponent or other participant, official or spectator.

—refrain from engaging in the use of profanity.

—treat every opponent or other participant, official, and other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability.

—refrain from arguing with or engaging in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any opponent or other participant, official or spectator.

—respect the officials, their authority, and their calls during and after a match.

—refrain from mistreating or damaging any aspect of the court or equipment.

—not use excessive force when aiming directly for the dedans from in front of the service line at the hazard end.

—ensure that play throughout is expeditious, especially in changing ends and in being ready to serve and receive service.

—accept the decisions of referees, markers and other officials without question or protest.

—arrive on time and prepared for every match.

—treat opponents and fellow participants with due respect; accept success, failure, victory or defeat with good grace and without excessive display of emotion; not behave in any other way likely to bring the game into disrepute.

—not use banned or inappropriate performance enhancement substances.

—understand that failing to conform to the foregoing while participating, attending, coaching or officiating in a court tennis event subjects one to the Association’s disciplinary actions.

Code of Conduct for Parents, Coaches and Attendees

May the abiding message of everyone in attendance be “I enjoy watching you play.” Parents, coaches and attendees should encourage participants to have fun, try hard, learn, play fair and be respectful of the rules, other participants, officials, the court and equipment, and applaud a good effort by any and all participants.

Attendees pledge to be responsible for their words and actions while attending, coaching, officiating, or participating in USCTA event and conform to the following code of conduct:

—learn and abide by all USCTA Policies and Guidelines and the current

—refrain from engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, USCTA staff member or any other attendee, and refrain from encouraging your child/player to do so.

— refrain from engaging in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official, USCTA staff member or any other attendee, and refrain from encouraging your child/player to do so.

—refrain from engaging in the use of profanity, or encouraging your child/player to do so.

—refrain from mistreating or damaging any aspect of the court or equipment, or encouraging my child/player to do so.

—treat every coach, parent, player, participant, official, and any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability.

—refrain from fighting, verbally of physically threatening, or arguing with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee, and refrain from encouraging your child/player to do so.

—respect the officials and their authority during a match and will never question, discuss, or confront players or officials before, during or after a match.

—promote the emotional and physical wellbeing of the athletes ahead of any personal desire you may have for your child to win.

Disciplinary Policies, Procedures and Actions

Two procedures govern disciplinary actions: first, it is the marker’s authority to use the guidelines below to handle conduct violations in real time. Second, incidents should be reported to the USCTA Disciplinary Committee for further action.

Marker Authority
The marker has authority over the match once it has begun. If needed, the marker may choose to control the match via the following subsequent disciplinary measures:

  1. warning,
  2. loss of game,
  3. loss of set,
  4. loss of match.

If warranted, the marker also has the authority to go from a warning straight to the loss of match.

Disciplinary Committee Incident Procedures

A conduct violation should be reported to the USCTA Disciplinary Committee as soon after the incident as possible.

When a violation of the USCTA Code of Conduct is observed, the marker, USCTA members, and other attendees are encouraged to report the incident to the tournament director, or a USCTA official, if available or to the Disciplinary Committee. Association officials and/or tournament directors will delegate someone to submit a Code of Conduct violation form to DC. Regardless of other actions taken, any member is encouraged to use the online incident report form.

Once the DC receives the report, it will initiate an investigation of the incident, including interviews with relevant parties. Except under extraordinary circumstances, the enquiry will be completed in a timely fashion.

The DC will take action in accordance with the disciplinary actions listed in the Code of Conduct and in consultation with the USCTA executive committee.

The DC will inform the culprit in writing of the decision and any disciplinary consequences. 

Disciplinary Actions

The DC will consider many aspects of the incident, including:

  • Single instance
  • Multiple instances
  • First infraction
  • Multiple infractions over time

Severity of violation to any one or more of the qualities listed in the codes of conduct, rules, (e.g., disruption, unsportsmanlike behavior, disrespect, damage, threat, injury)

These disciplinary actions will be imposed in a manner commensurate with the offense and in accordance with the below qualifications of the severity of their disruption or threat.

  1. Written letter of censure issued by the USCTA Disciplinary Committee and kept on file.
  2. Disqualification or immediate ejection from an event
  3. Suspension from multiple events and/or suspension for a period of time ranging from days to weeks, issued by the USCTA Disciplinary Committee.
  4. Season suspension, multiple season suspension, or lifetime suspension, issued by the USCTA Disciplinary Committee

Code of Conduct Reporting

This form must be completed within one week of the incident. Please provide as accurate a reflection of the incident(s) as possible so that USCTA can follow up accordingly.

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