2005 Velvet Rope

2005 VELVET ROPE RESULTS: Brian Owens and Barney Tanfield winners over Walter Coles and Rob Sheppard in the Wharton division.  Michelle Packham and Sarah Rodgers winners over Greg Beard and Tom Wilson in the Faulise division.

IRTA Update – May, 2005

IRTA Update – May, 2005   The 3rd Annual Irish Real Tennis Championships were held in Holyport on May 28-29, 2005.  The winners were Tim Church (Open) and Roland Budd (Closed). The University College Dublin (UCD) continues to operate in the Guinness real tennis court located in Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, as per a pre-WWII bequest by the Guinness family.  UCD holds the lease from the Irish Government Office of Public Works.  UCD plans to relinquish when it moves to its new campus in Clonskeagh in the next year or two.   The building is on real estate just off St. Stephen’s… Read the Full Story >