Nov 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
The annual Jimmy Dunn weekend at the Racquet Club of Philadelphia was superbly superlative. A large, ever moving crowd of players—over a hundred people entered at least one of the dozen draws available—and spectators graced the fourth and fifth floors for three full days. Each day somewhere on the downward side of noon, there was that unspecifed moment when people stopped clutching hooded cups of coffee and started carrying cups of beer from the pub club keg. There were the usual signature Dunn moments: the splay of racquets, handles up, outside the racquets court; sitting in the clerestory with people… Read the Full Story >
Nov 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
Finals of the 2012 Witham Doubles J. Mengel & R Cook win vs B Blalock & G Hayward 6/2 6/3. Complete Results attached.
Nov 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
To honor Hurricane Season, this year Hadden Tomes traveled back in time to pre-Castro Havana where tennis whites and white dinner jackets were de rigueur. While the autumnal foliage outside was resplendent, inside the Tuxedo Club was transformed to the balmy climes of tropical Cuba. Old Blue Eyes entreated the crowd of 150+ with a long list of favorites before the “sick” (JR, 2012) afterparty commenced. Under the palm trees a cigar roller helped augment the personal stashes being shared, including a few boxes of pre-embargo contraband. The event was spear-headed by Jon Romero with help from his brother Greg and Jedediah… Read the Full Story >
Nov 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
The grand international opening of the tennis court in Chicago was a truly special occasion. For many in the game, it was a once-in-a-lifetime event—so far and hopefully not. The only other opening in the past thirty-two years came at Prince’s Court outside of Washington in October 1997 and it was a more subdued affair, with the main celebration coming at a luncheon. Here it lasted for four full days of tennis and camaraderie. Four days, that is, if you were among the visitors who managed to fly out of Midway or O’Hare on Sunday before Hurricane Sandy shut down… Read the Full Story >
Nov 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
Due to the lasting effects of Sandy, the US Ladies scheduled for November 2-4 in Tuxedo has been postponed. Also, National Legaue matches on October 31st – Chicago vs. New England/Aiken @ Washington and November 1st – Chicago vs. Philadelphia/Tuxedo @ Philadelphia have been postponed. No rescheduled dates have been set.
Nov 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
On October 24th The New York Tennis and Racquet Club hosted the combined team of Tuxedo and Philadelphia in the National League. Rob Whitehouse (Head Professional at The Racquet Club of Philadelphia) and Barney Tanfield (Assistant Professional at The Racquet and Tennis Club) took to the court for the first singles match. A combination of court unfamiliarity on Whitehouse’s part and timely good fortune from Tanfield saw Barney run out to a 5/0 lead in the first set. Whitehouse rallied and brought the score back to 5/3 before dropping the first set 6/3. In the second set Tanfield continued to… Read the Full Story >
Oct 31, 2012 | Uncategorized
Riviere keeps winning!
Oct 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
Newport hosted the 12 and under and 15 and under singles and doubles championships. The field included players from Tuxedo, Washington and Newport. Final results 12 and under Singles Erik Barker def. Chase Motz 10/9 12 and under Doubles Barker & Motz def. Connor Buettner & Bennett Van Liew 10/3 15 and under Singles Barker def. Cameron Buettner 10/6 15 and under Doubles Barker & Will Harkins def. Motz & Arthur Browne 10/5 Results & Schedule
Oct 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
The T&R professional tennis drought has finally ended. Last night, Boston’s Tennis & Racquet Club hosted its first National League match in several years. And what a match it was. This year, Boston is teaming up with Newport and Aiken with a combined team of Tony Hollins, Rich Smith and Camden Riviere. If last night is any indication, Boston is fully prepared to host our game’s best players once again. Dedans seats were sold out and the galleries and Hamlen Room were stacked with 70 spectators watching these near super-humans compete. The rain broke just in time for the… Read the Full Story >
Sep 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
For the fourth year, a hearty group of court tennis players visited Georgian Court University to see and play the former private court built for Jay Gould, one of the 20th century’s most successful amateurs. Each year I go back, I marvel at the building that houses the court. Though court tennis must have been at the heart of designing the “Casino,” it seems like just one of a dozen or so things to do to divert oneself. Other fun could have been had at polo, bowling, hard racquets, squash, swimming, etc. It’s too bad that the racquets court has… Read the Full Story >