Ogden Mills Phipps, known as Dinny, passed away on April 6. Earlier this month, the USCTA announced that Phipps would be one of two inductees for the International Court Tennis Hall of Fame for 2016. Click here to read a story from Thoroughbred Daily News. Click here  for the obituary.

From the USCTA:

“The USCTA proudly announces the two inductees in the class of 2016 into the International Court Tennis Hall of Fame.

Ogden Mills Phipps won the U.S. Open doubles in 1978, 1980, 1981 and 1982, as well as winning the U.S. amateur doubles in 1979, 1981 and 1982. He also represented the U.S. in the Bathurst Cup in 1978 and 1984. A longtime leader at the Racquet & Tennis Club in New York, Dinny Phipps ran numerous tournaments, served on the board of the USCTA for many years and was a central figure in the game.

Barry Toates was the first professional at Newport upon the reopening of the court in 1979. He also worked at the Tennis & Racquet Club in Boston and helped revive the court at Lakewood. Toates won the 1979 U.S. Open singles and the U.S. Open doubles in 1979 and 1983. A dynamic coach and teacher of the game, he served on the board of the USCTA and contributed greatly to the late twentieth-century revival of the game in America.

The Hall of Fame was founded in 1994 and besides Phipps and Toates has twenty-seven inductees. Phipps and Toates will formally be inducted at the USCTA’s Annual Dinner on Friday 9 December 2016 at the Racquet & Tennis Club.”