2018-19 USCTA National League Final

New England v. Tuxedo.

It was a moonlit, bitterly cold night in Newport, Rhode Island, but inside the National Tennis Club at the International Tennis Hall of Fame there could not have been a warmer reception by the packed house for the stars of the court tennis world.

First match

After a bit of nervous fiddling around with grips and shoes, Josh Dodgson (Tuxedo) and Leon Smart (New England) took the court. The match started with both players making incredible returns off equally incredible shots, but then missing the easy slower balls, bringing to mind former World Champion Wayne Davies’ dictum: “Think too long, things go wrong.” This adage held true through the first half of the opening set.

The two players had very different strengths: Leon as a terrific volleyer and Josh playing excellent off the backwall.
It became apparent that Leon was winning with less effort by taking the ball early, edging Josh out of games and taking the first set 6/3.

The second set was a tighter affair and Josh had his chance at 3-2 up, 40-all with a chase 2. It looked as though he would increase his lead, but a poor railroad was dispatched with force into the dedans to tie the match at 3-all. This not only cost Josh the point and came, but also the momentum he had worked so hard to create.

Leon, sensing weakness, stepped up his game and ran off the final 3 games very quickly to win the match
6/3, 6/3. 1-0 to New England

Second match

A casual and relaxed Camden Riviere strolled onto court to face Newport’s Nick Howell, both players eager to impress with trick shots during the warm-up. Nick had a dream start, sprinting around the court getting Camden’s best shots and returning them for winners of his own to take the first game. Nick continued to play out of his mind and reach a 3-1 lead, which may not seem much but to do so he must have hit 30 shots that would
have been winners against any other player in the world.

Mr. Riviere took off the proverbial gloves, in this literal case, sweatpants, and donned his game face. The rabbit turned into the fox and with the loss of only 5 more points, Camden took the set 6/3. As sure and as unstoppable as a tectonic plate, Camden inexorably moved forward game-by-game to a 4/0 advantage.

Nick, realizing he needed to improve his winner-loser ratio, started upping the pace and fired a cut volley down the line which Camden picked up late and avoided but, in the process, rolled his ankle. Would he continue? Would he have to retire? The crowd was on tenterhooks while Cam limped up to the door and buried his head in a towel. It was only a few seconds, but time had slowed, as it does when waiting terrible news. Camden looked up with a grimace not only with pain, but in frustration, and a look that said, “Not now I’m about to embark on my run for the. World
championships and I don’t need this!” In a bad temper, he walked back to serve and finished off the match with
overly aggressive and frightening shots, designed to shorten points and, one assumes, to vent his frustration.
The final score was 6/3, 6/0 to Tuxedo. 1-all

Target Contest

It all came down to the doubles, but before that the club held a crowded participation target competition with many rounds. Bill Rives in socks and an elegant grey Fedora bested 20 people and won a $60 gift certificate to the NTC pro shop. Bravo, Bill!


The crowd on the edge of their seats, hoping for a New England victory, was slowly silenced by the play: 1/0, 2/0, 3/0. . . Tuxedo was on a roll. Nick and Leon played some spectacular points, but the roll just kept going all the way to Tuxedo’s victory at 8/0. This completed Camden’s run of winning 17 games in a row.

Final Score: Tuxedo, 2; New England, 1

Congratulations to the Tuxedo team for a very well played night, and many thanks to all the supporters who came out to watch on such a cold night and to the generous sponsors who could not attend, but once again provided
the funds to make this event possible.