The 27th annual USCTA dinner and auction took place on Friday, the 13th of December, at the Racquet and Tennis Club. 200+ court tennis enthusiasts filled the R&T’s South Lounge for our annual celebration of the very best of our game. The convivial atmosphere was infectious for old-timers and newcomers alike.
USCTA President Dacre Stoker emceed the evening like a pro. He celebrated our successes and remembered our departed friends: James F.C. (Jimmy) Bostwick, Rick Malone, Will Hartigan, Larry McCray, Ed Wadsworth, Russell Gregory, William Shettle and Stephen Smith.
Peter Pell, Whitney Cup Tournament Chairman, welcomed everyone to the Club, recognized the Whitney Cup rookies and reported the Whitney Cup standings after one day of play.
George Bell shared with us “On the Eve of the Whitney Cup,” an essay he contributed to the December 2024 issue of Chase the First, extolling the virtues of our great game, the community and good fellowship that our game engenders and his confidence in our game’s staying power.
USCTA Vice President Jonathan Lewis discussed our newest, westernmost and tallest court tennis court at Sand Valley in Nekoosa, Wisconsin. He recognized the enormous contribution that Michael Keiser has made to our game by building this fantastic court. Everyone was encouraged to get up to Sand Valley to play court tennis and possibly golf and lawn tennis. The court tennis community owes a huge debt of gratitude to Michael Keiser for making this court happen, so the best way to thank him for this gift is to get up to Wisconsin to play.
Speaking of new courts, Charles de Casteja, on behalf of the United States Court Tennis Preservation Foundation (USCTPF), announced an agreement with the newly organized Charleston Racquet Club to build a new court tennis court. This project has been going on for over ten years and is finally coming to fruition. The new facility will have one court tennis court, six squash singles courts, two squash doubles courts and two padel courts. An Opening is slated for late 2025. Then Adam Haselkorn, a member from Charleston, mentioned how excited the Charleston community is to be getting this court tennis court after so long.
Dacre Stoker ran the awards portion of the evening efficiently and effortlessly. 2024’s honorees were:
- Mary Livingston, Hughes-Slater Cup awarded for Outstanding Service to the USCTA. Mary has served the USCTA in various capacities as its President, Secretary, and longtime board member. She continues to serve on the board, the International Tennis Committee, and the International World Championships Committee. Mary has been a longtime member of The National Tennis Club, Washington’s Prince’s Court and Westwood Country Club.
- John Shneerson, George Plimpton Prize awarded for Literary and Artistic Achievement. John is the author of several court tennis books, including Two Centuries of Real Tennis, A History of Tennis at Newmarket (1997); Real Tennis: Today and Yesterday (2015); and MCC, More than a Cricket Club: Real Tennis and Other Sports at Lord’s (2020).
- David Boenning – H. Dickson S. Boenning Trophy awarded for Sportsmanship. David, H. Dickson’s son, has displayed exemplary Sportsmanship on and off the court for many years and has been a member of The National Tennis Club in Newport. David has traveled and played in numerous USCTA tournaments and has the enviable reputation of being one of those players who will play with anyone regardless of their ability. Dick and Emily Boenning presented the award to David.
- Doug Shear (Newport)—The Robert M. Goodyear Award is awarded for exemplary hospitality within the tennis community. Doug is known for graciously hosting national and international players at his lovely home in Newport. His guests also recognize him as an exemplary cook who provides exceptional gourmet meals.
- William Spruance (New York) – Most Improved Player.
Barney Tanfield reported that William recorded over 80 results on RTO in the space of a year. Additionally, he dropped his handicap by 15 points. He played on over a dozen courts in the US and abroad. William and his father, Halsey, have ambitions to help develop a new court in their hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.
- Nick Howell (Aiken) – Professional of the Year.
Nick received an outstanding recommendation from the Aiken Tennis Club for his brilliant year of running internal and external tournaments, teaching lessons and offering new and interesting items in his pro shop. Nick has reenergized the tennis program in Aiken. We also wish him all the best with his upcoming nuptials.
- Kurt Mueller (Tuxedo) – Most Improved Junior Player.
Kurt had a stellar 2024 on the court, winning the U-13, U-15, and U-17 US National Championships, the U-14 British Junior Championships and the Junior Handicap at the Tuxedo Club. Kurt also delivered a heartfelt and very well-received acceptance speech.
- Anson DeVinney (Washington) – Grassi Family Junior Player of the Year Award.
Anson was a member of the US Junior team who played in the British Championships this past summer. After the British Juniors, he was awarded the Nate Duncan Memorial trophy for outstanding Sportsmanship and tenacity, both qualities exemplified by the award’s namesake. Nat’s parents, Jim and Laura Duncan, attended the dinner and were acknowledged when Melissa Grassi Purcell awarded Anson the Grassi Family Junior Player of the Year Award for his Sportsmanship and tenacity on the court.
- Hazel Christensen, Anson DeVinney, Walt Laukitis, Kurt Mueller, Paul Nieuwerburgh, and Calliope Yannuzzi, representing the top-level US juniors who competed in the UK in the British National Junior Championships in August 2024, were seated with their traveling coach, Tim Chisholm, and awarded special Wayward racquets trophies to commemorate their success. These racquets were donated by the U.S. Jesters Club and strung by Barney Tanfield. Cambell Langdon, Elliot Philpott and Lily Ronaldson, also part of the US team, were absent at the dinner.
The success and growth of the junior game is attributable to a strong Player Development Program managed by the United States Court Tennis Preservation Foundation.
Chaos ensued as all the award winners went to the R&T’s Library for photos, but everyone returned to the South Lounge in time for Brook Hazelton’s exceptional auction. There were nine items in the live auction – golf outings, weekend retreats, the perennial London flat (thank you, Howard McMorris) and more. Through the outstanding generosity of auction item contributors and bidders, the 2024 auction (online, silent and live) was a terrific success, raising almost $42,000. The final part of the auction was the Lot 12 paddle raise. Once again, the USCTA community supported the game of tennis and our fabulous professionals, raising an additional $69,000.
The final award was introduced and presented by former World Champion and head pro at the Racquet and Tennis Club, Wayne Davies. Wayne inducted Graham Hyland into the International Court Tennis Hall of Fame. Davies talked about Hyland working as his training partner during his world championship challenges. Graham was the head pro at the Racquet and Tennis Club from 1978 to 1982 and won five U.S. Open titles. Famous for his coaching, writing and decorative racquet making, Graham Hyland is considered one of Tasmania’s greatest tennis exports. After Davies’ speech, a video played with Hyland speaking from his farm outside Hobart. With the induction of Hyland, there are now thirty-nine members of the International Court Tennis Hall of Fame.
The evening wrapped up around 9:45 PM, but people were reluctant to leave and were still at the R&T at 11:30 PM.
There were many first-time attendees at the dinner, and the feedback from some of these novices was spectacular. We have more young people playing the game than ever before, and their fresh enthusiasm was palpable as they won awards, made speeches and reveled in being part of this wonderful community. Ted Goneos and Ben Lawrence once again organized a spectacular evening—our most heartfelt thanks to them and all the others who made the evening such a success.
Congratulations to our 2024 USCTA Annual Award Winners

A few photos from the evening ….