***UPDATED SCHEDULE as of January 10, 2022***
France To Host World Masters, May 14-29, 2022
The Comite Francais du Jeu de Court Paume recently released the detailed schedule for the 2022 World Masters amateur championships of court tennis. These team and individual events will span from May 14 to May 29, and will be held in Paris, Fontainebleau, and Bordeaux.
The USCTA’s captains for the US teams are eager to recruit and confirm members for the strongest US sides possible as we compete for the Cockram Trophy (50+ years of age), Bostwick Cup (60+), Danby Trophy (70+), and Munioz Trophy (80+). If you are eligible and interested in being considered for a team, please contact the captain for your age bracket (note: age limits reflect ages as of Dec. 31, 2022):
- Cockram Trophy (50+) – Guy Devereux, guy.devereux@yahoo.com
- Bostwick Cup (60+) – Simon Aldrich, simonpbaldrich@yahoo.com
- Danby Trophy (70+) – Greg Van Schaack, gvs@academysecurities.com
- Munioz Trophy (80+) – Tim Merrill, merrilltn@gmail.com
The schedule released by the Comite is as follows:
1- Paris:
Practice Day: May 14;
Cockram Trophy: May 15 and 16;
Singles 50’s: from May 17 to 22;
Singles 55’s: from May 21 to 27;
Doubles 50’s: from May 18 to 22;
Doubles 55’s: from May 23 to 27;
Singles 80´s: from May 25 to 29;
Doubles 80´s: from May 25 to 29;
Muñoz Trophy: from May 22 to 24;
Black Tie Dinner May 29 for all Masters;
2- Bordeaux:
Practice Day: May 14;
Bostwick Cup: May 15 and 16;
Singles 60’s: from May 17 to 22;
Singles 65’s: from May 21 to 27;
Doubles 60’s: from May 18 to 22;
Doubles 65’s: from May 23 to 27;
3- Fontainebleau:
Practice Days: May 16 and 17;
Danby Trophy: May 18 and 19;
Singles 70’s: from May 20 to 26;
Singles 75’s: from May 21 to 26;
Doubles 70’s: from May 22 to 27;
Doubles 75’s: from May 23 to 27;
Cockram Trophy, Bostwick Cup and Danby Trophy will be played according to the following format:
– T1 vs T3 or T4 and T2 vs T3 or T4 on the 1st day;
– W1 vs W2 for the title and L1 vs L2 for the 3rd place on the 2nd day.
France may not be able to field a team for the Muñoz Trophy and in that eventuality the Trophy will be played as follows:
– T2 vs T3 on the 1st day;
– T1 vs T3 on the 2nd day;
– T1 vs T2 on the 3rd day;
We will release the entry forms ASAP.
According to the number of participants, minor changes to the schedule might occur if needed.